Jazz Piano in Record Time – The Sooriya Village Workshop Series!

The Sooriya Village Workshop Series is proud to present, “Jazz Piano in Record Time” conducted by George Wimalasuriya as a 2 Week Intensive Workshop from 6:00pm – 9:00pm on the following days:-

Monday January 8th 2018

Tuesday January 9th 2018

Wednesday January 10th 2018

Monday January 15th 2018

Tuesday January 16th 2018

Wednesday January 17th 2018

Fee:- Rs. 500 for all 6 days!

Pre-requisists :- Ability to play Major, Minor and Diminished Scales!

The course will focus around Re-harmonising of Popular Songs, Jazz Improvisation and Scale Combinations!

Register by emailing us at contact@thesooriyavillage.lk with your Full Name, Contact Number and NIC Number!

George is a Sri Lankan born keyboardist, who studied at St. Benedict’s College and was part of the Sri Lankan music industry as a member of bands such as Fire Flies, X-Periments, Savage, and the Spitfires. George currently resides in Switzerland where he servers as a Full Time Music Teacher!


Source: Yamu

Image Courtesy: Yamu